ROSAEC center Seoul National University

Team 1: Leading analysis technology research & development
Kwangkeun Yi
(Director, Seoul National University)
Kyung-Goo Doh
(Hanyang University)
Chung-Kil Hur
(Seoul National University)
Yunheung Paek
(Seoul National University)
Sukyoung Ryu
Team 2: Domain-specific analysis technology research & development
Kwangmoo Choe
Byung-Gon Chun
(Seoul National University)
Byung-Ro Moon
(Seoul National University)
Team 3: Theory and innovative analysis technology research & development
Moonzoo Kim
Sungwoo Park
Hakjoo Oh
(Ph.D. Seoul National University)
Jihun Kim
(Ph.D. Seoul National University)
Joonseon Ahn
(Korea Aerospace University)
Sungdeok Cha
(Korea University)
Jin-Young Choi
(Korea University)
Yunja Choi
(Kyungpook National University)
Bernhard Egger
(Seoul National University)
Wook-Shin Han
(Kyungpook National University)
Seung-won Hwang
Kyomin Jung
Jangwoo Kim
Youdan Kim
(Seoul National University)
Youil Kim
Gyesik Lee
(Ph.D. Univ. of Münster)
Oukseh Lee
(Hanyang University)
Seungyong Lee
Wonchan Lee
(M.S. Seoul National University)
Bruno Oliveira
(Ph.D. Oxford University)
Frank C. Park
(Seoul National University)
Sanghyuk Park
(Korea Aerospace University)
Chisu Wu
(Seoul National University)
Heon Young Yeom
(Seoul National University)

Member Professors

Team 1: Leading analysis technology research & development

Kwangkeun Yi
School of Computer Science and Engineering
Seoul National University

static program analysis, programming systems application of static analysis technology, HOT(higher-order & typed) programming system

Kyung-Goo Doh
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Hanyang University

programming languages, program analysis, software security

Chung-Kil Hur
School of Computer Science and Engineering
Seoul National University

Software Verification (especially, Compiler Verification), Program Logic, Automated & Interactive Theorem Proving, Programming Language Theory, Category Theory, Probabilistic Programs and Bayesian Inference

Yunheung Paek
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
Seoul National University

SoC optimization, reconfigurable, optimizing compiler, hardware design

Sukyoung Ryu
Department of Computer Science

multicore programming language, proof assistants for programming languages and program analyses

Team 2: Domain-specific analysis technology research & development

Kwangmoo Choe
Department of Computer Science

formal language theory, parallel evaluation of logic programs, optimizing compilers

Byung-Gon Chun
School of Computer Science and Engineering
Seoul National University

operating systems, networked systems, big data analytics, cloud computing, mobile systems and security

Byung-Ro Moon
School of Computer Science and Engineering
Seoul National University

financial engineering, algorithm design and optimization, genetic algorithm and evolutionary computation

Team 3: Theory and innovative analysis technology research & development

Moonzoo Kim
Department of Computer Science

software verification, automated software analysis, embedded software

Sungwoo Park
Department of Computer Science and Engineering

programming language theory, logic in computer science, type theory, functional languages

Research Associates

Hakjoo Oh
Ph.D. Seoul National University

static analysis techniques for achieving precise, sound, and scalable global analyzers

Jihun Kim
Ph.D. Seoul National University


Joonseon Ahn
School of Electronics, Telecommunications and Computer Science
Korea Aerospace University

programming environment for ubiquitous computing, web application program security, information retrieval

Sungdeok Cha
Computer Science and Engineering
Korea University

Jin-Young Choi
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Korea University

formal methods, formal specification, formal verification, secure software engineering

Yunja Choi
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Kyungpook National University

software engineering, formal methods, model checking

Bernhard Egger
School of Computer Science and Engineering
Seoul National University

architecture, operating system and compiler interaction for embedded systems, coarse-grained reconfigurable architectures and compilers, virtualization techniques for multicores/manycores

Wook-Shin Han
Computer Enigeering Department
Kyungpook National University

query optimization, XML, object-orient database

Seung-won Hwang
Department of Computer Science and Engineering

top-k query, categorization, clustering scientific data

Kyomin Jung
Department of Computer Science

graphical models and Image processing, complex network modeling and analysis, financial data mining

Jangwoo Kim
Computer Science and Engineering

Multi-core, Multi-threaded CPU Architecture, CPU/system Modeling, Simulation, and Analysis, Reliable, Secure and Scalable Data Center Architecture, Next-Generation Systems based on GP-GPU and Embedded Systems

Youdan Kim
School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Seoul National University

aircraft control system design, trajectory optimization and guidance, aircraft fault tolerant system design, system identification, satellite attitude control

Youil Kim


practical static analysis tools, smart use of fast (but possibly imprecise) techniques, scalable implementation of precise techniques

Gyesik Lee

Ph.D. Univ. of Münster

mathematical logic (type theory and proof theory), formal methods

Oukseh Lee
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Hanyang University

shape analysis, modular program analysis, code clone checking

Seungyong Lee
Department of Computer Science and Engineering

computer graphics, computer animation, image Processing

Wonchan Lee

M.S. Seoul National University

static analysis of concurrent programs, low level analyzer for hardware activies (cache, TLB, branch predictor)

Bruno Oliveira

Ph.D. Oxford University

the design of programming languages, functional programming, object-oriented programming, design patterns, aspect-oriented programming and concurrency

Frank C. Park
School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Seoul National University

robotics, mathematical systems theory, related areas of applied mathematics

Sanghyuk Park
Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
Korea Aerospace University

Chisu Wu
School of Computer Science and Engineering
Seoul National University

software cost estimation, web engineering, re-engineering

Heon Young Yeom
School of Computer Science and Engineering
Seoul National University

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