ROSAEC center Seoul National University

Seminars & Workshops

Speaker:Keiko Nakata , Tallinn University of Technology
When:2009-11-06 16:00
Place:Room 308, Bldg 302, SNU


In search for a foundational framework for reasoning about observable behavior of programs that may not terminate, we have previously devised a trace-based big-step semantics for While. In this semantics, both traces and evaluation (relating initial states of program runs to traces they produce) are defined coinductively. It is constructively equivalent to the textbook-style small-step semantics. On terminating runs, it agrees with the standard inductive state-based semantics.

Recently we designed a Hoare logic counterpart of our coinductive trace-based semantics and proved it sound and complete. Our logic subsumes both the partial correctness Hoare logic and the total correctness Hoare logic: they are embeddible. Since we work in a constructive ambient logic, the range of expressible program properties has a rich structure; in particular, we can distinguish between termination and nondivergence, e.g., unbounded total search fails to be terminating but is nonetheless nondivergent.

My talk will start by introducing the coinductive big-step semantics, then present the Hoare-logic. I will explain some interesting design issues on the semantics and the logic and give an example of unbounded total search. All the results have been formalized in Coq constructively.

This is a joint work with Tarmo Uustalu.

Short bio

I am a post-doc at Institute of Cybernetics, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia, since October 2008. Previously, from April 2007 to September 2008, I was a post-doc at at Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers and INRIA Rocquencourt, France. I received the PhD degree in 2007 from Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University, Japan.


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