ROSAEC center Seoul National University
Speaker:ROSAEC members
Period:2009-07-09 13:30 ~ 2009-07-11 12:00
Place:Hotel Jijihyang, Paju Book City, Korea


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Day 1 : July 9, 2009

Session1 : 13:30 - 15:50

Model Checking for the Practical C Program Analysis - Experience Reports
Moonzoo Kim , KAIST[slide]
Concurrency Bug Detection through Improved Pattern Matching Using Semantic Information
Shin Hong, KAIST [slide]
Comparison between SAT and SMT as a Software Analysis Engine
Yun-ho Kim, KAIST [slide]
고려대학교 정형기법연구실 관련연구 진행사항
Jinyoung Choi, Korea University [slide]
Introduction to Instrumented Hybrid Automata(IHA)
Jaehwan Sim, Korea University [slide]
Model Checking of Real-Time Properties of Resource-Bound Process Algebra
Jungjae Lee, Korea University [slide]
산업제어 프로그래밍 개발환경과 검증시스템
Seungcheol Shin, Korea University of Technology and Education [slide]

Session2 : 15:50 - 18:30

인공위성 소프트웨어 무결점 검증
Oukseh Lee, Hanyang University [slide]
지능형 로봇 소프트웨어 무결점 검증기 특화 기술 개발
Jaeyoung Han, Seoul National University [slide]
무인비행체 소프트웨어 소스 무결점 자동 검증기 개발
Joongbo Seo, Seoul National University [slide]
무인항공기 자동제어 분야 연구 동향
Hyunjin Choi, Seoul National University [slide]
Towards Model-driven development and verification framework for embedded software -- work in progress
Yunja Choi, Kyungpook National University [slide]
GPU Programming
Seungyong Lee, POSTECH[slide]

Day 2 : July 10, 2009

Session1 : 9:00 - 10:30

한양대학교 PLASSE 연구실 소개
Kyung-Goo Doh, Hanyang University[slide]
An Action Semantics with Tow Combinators
Kyung-Goo Doh, Hanyang University [slide]
Large Spurious Cycles in Global Static Analyses and Their Algorithmic Mitigation
Hakjoo Oh, Seoul National University [slide]

Session2 : 10:40 - 12:10

Path-sensitive Memory Leak Detector
Yungbum Jung, Seoul National University [slide]
Abstract Parsing for Two-staged Languages with Concatenation
Soonho Kong, Seoul National University [slide]
Bug Triage with bug tossing graphs
Gaeul Jeong, Seoul National University [slide]

Session3 : 13:30 - 15:40

Specializing Airac in J.P. Morgan CDS Software
Yoonseok Ko, Seoul National University [slide]
Abstract Parsing 을 이용한 자료구조 모양 분석
Heejung Kim, Woosuk Lee, Seoul National University [slide]
Binary analysis and malware detection
Hynik Na, KAIST [slide]
Context sensitive pointer analysis with hash-consed forest
Woongsik Choi, KAIST [slide]
악성 자바스크립트 코드 검출을 위한 분석기 고안
Taeksu Kim, Seoul National University [slide]
요약 해석 기법을 이용한 2-staged 언어의 코드 커버리지 측정
Chunwoo Lee, Seoul National University [slide]
A Brief Introduction to Information Visualization
Jinwook Seo, Seoul National University [slide]
Visualizing what geeks cannot see
Hyungmin Lee, Seoul National University [slide]

Session4 : 15:50 - 17:30

웹 기반 소프트웨어 보안 취약성 분석기 개발
Joonseon Ahn, Korea Aerospace University [slide]
PL + SE research topics
Sunghun Kim, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology [slide]
Bug-finder from the reality
Daejun Park, FASOO.COM [slide]
임베디드 시스템의 성능 및 오류 검증
Yunheung Paek, Seoul National University [slide]
멀티 프로세서 디버깅
Jinyong Lee, Seoul National University [slide]
임베디드 소프트웨어/하드웨어 설계 검증
Kyungwon Kim, Seoul National University [slide]

Session5 : 17:40 - 19:00

eXoa: Example-oriented API
Sanghoon Lee, POSTECH [slide]
Taking representative example codes
Sanghoon Lee, POSTECH [slide]
What is functionality of source code search engine required by developers?
Jong-Won Roh, POSTECH [slide]
Robust Tuple Extraction
Wook-shin Han, Kyungpook National University [slide]

Day 3 : July 11, 2009

Session1 : 09:00 - 10:20

최적화, 금융공학, 그리고 무결점 소프트웨어
Jinhyun Kim, Seoul National University[slide]
BI 논리체계 증명기 개발
Sungwoo Park, POSTECH [slide]
하위언어에 독립적인 모듈시스템
Hyeonseung Im, POSTECH[slide]
Frama-C 소개
Jonghyun Park, POSTECH[slide]

Session2 : 10:30 - 11:10

Value analysis of multi-stage language
Wontai Choi, Seoul National University [slide]
Verification of CDS standard model
Heejae Shin, Seoul National University [slide]
밑천을 기반으로 한 함수 전후 조건 분석기 (Corpus based abduction)
Kihong Heo, Suwon Jang, Seoul National University [slide]
Semi-Automatic Verification of Programs with Heap-Allocated Data Structures, Focusing on the Perl Interpreter
Jeehoon Kang, Will Klieber, Seoul National University [slide]

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